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So far Keith Williams has created 291 blog entries.

Drunk Drivers to Pay Child Support for Children of Parents They Kill

In a new law, drunk drivers in Tennessee will be forced to pay child support for the children of any parents they kill in a drunk driving accident. The law is the first of its kind, but legislatures across the country are considering similar measures. It is meant to help discourage intoxicated drivers from getting [...]

2023-01-12T09:15:40-07:00January 12th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Five Ways That Negligent Adults Cause Child Injuries

It is always terrifying when someone you love is hurt, but it is especially horrible when it happens to a child. While some of these injuries are unavoidable, many are the result of negligent adults who do not do their job when it comes to caring for children. Here are five ways that negligent adults [...]

2023-01-05T14:45:24-07:00January 5th, 2023|Child Injury|0 Comments

Five Major Risk Factors That Make Aviation Accidents More Likely

It is said that flying is the safest way to travel, and statistically speaking, that’s true: airplanes have the lowest rate of injuries and deaths per year, compared to other forms of travel. That does not mean flying is completely free from danger, however, and certain problems can make the chances of an accident much [...]

2022-12-27T13:13:08-07:00December 27th, 2022|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments

Five Winter Hazards That Lead to Auto Accidents

As the weather gets colder and the nights get longer, the road becomes increasingly dangerous for drivers and pedestrians alike. The winter has many hazards that can easily cause auto accidents, especially when people are not as careful as they should be. Watch for these five winter hazards, which can potentially result in an otherwise [...]

2022-12-05T15:52:12-07:00December 5th, 2022|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Seven Ways Reckless Driving Leads to Car Accidents

Every year, there are around 175,000 car accidents in Tennessee, leading to thousands of preventable injuries and deaths. While some of these accidents are unavoidable, many are the result of reckless drivers who endanger themselves and the people around them. Here are seven ways that reckless driving leads to more car accidents: […]

2022-11-09T15:53:03-07:00November 9th, 2022|Car Accidents|0 Comments

TJX Issues Recall For More Than 100,000 Baby Blankets

TJX, the parent company of several off-price department stores, has issued a recall for its Mittal International chenille weave baby blankets due to the risk of strangulation, choking and entrapment. It sold approximately 108,000 of these blankets through its subsidiaries across the United States, with another 3,550 sold in Canada. Anyone who purchased one of [...]

2022-10-26T11:43:22-07:00October 26th, 2022|Defective Products|0 Comments

Five Things You Should Know About Aviation Accidents

Statistically speaking, air travel is one of the safest forms of travel there is, ranking only behind railroads for overall safety. However, when aviation accidents happen, the effects can be devastating, leading to serious injury and death. Before you get into a plane, you should know these five important facts about aviation accidents: […]

2022-10-17T15:18:41-07:00October 17th, 2022|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments

Five Common Reasons for Food Recalls

While it would be nice to assume that any food you buy will be safe to eat, the fact of the matter is that food recalls are a shockingly common occurrence. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regularly recalls food due to some kind of serious safety issue. Here are five common reasons [...]

2022-10-12T13:40:52-07:00October 12th, 2022|Defective Products|0 Comments

Five Major Contributors to Motorcycle Accidents

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, motorcycle accidents kill more than 5,000 people across the United States every year. Motorcycle accidents are especially dangerous compared to other motor vehicle accidents, making up 14% of all auto accident fatalities despite making up only 3% of motor vehicle ownership. The reasons for this are complicated, [...]

2022-10-03T15:02:52-07:00October 3rd, 2022|Motorcycle Accidents|0 Comments

CPSC Settles Lawsuit After Residential Elevator Kills Child

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has settled a lawsuit with thyssenkrupp Access Corp. (TKA) after their residential elevators were accused of having a serious product defect, resulting in the death of at least one child. The settlement resolves these charges without a formal finding that the elevators were defective, but it does require TKA [...]

2022-09-15T14:28:54-07:00September 15th, 2022|Defective Products|0 Comments
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