April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, when traffic authorities seek to remind people of the dangers of distracted driving. When people drive while distracted, they are substantially more likely to cause accidents, leading to avoidable injuries and deaths. Make sure to follow these important steps to protect yourself against the risks of distracted driving:

  1. Only use hands-free devices to make phone calls
    • As a general rule, you should avoid making phone calls while in the car if you want to avoid distractions. However, if you absolutely must, it is safer to use a hands-free device than to talk with a phone in your hand. That way, you can keep both hands on the wheel in the event that you need to maneuver to avoid an accident.
  2. Do not text or use social media
    • Distracted driving is not new, but the birth of texting and social media have introduced new hazards that substantially increase the risk of distraction on the road. The impulse to check messages is strong enough that people will ignore this danger, placing themselves at higher risk of causing an accident. That is why you should never text and drive, or check social media while driving, if you want to avoid an accident.
  3. Avoid changing the radio or programming your GPS when in motion
    • Many people think of changing the radio or programming their GPS as minor distractions that only take their eyes off the road for a few moments. However, even that brief distraction can result in a distracted driving accident. That is why you should always make sure to wait until you are stopped to change the radio, and make sure your GPS is programmed before you start driving.
  4. Avoid drinking or eating in the car
    • Time is a precious commodity, and some people will try to save time by multitasking their meals with their commutes. However, eating and drinking are incredibly distracting activities, and should not be done while you are driving. If you absolutely must eat or drink, make sure you do so when your vehicle is not in motion.
  5. Make sure children and pets are secured
    • It may seem rude to think of children and pets as distractions, but the fact of the matter is they can draw your attention away from driving with ease. This is especially true if your child or pet manages to get free in your vehicle, or starts causing trouble. Make sure your children or pets are secured before you get in the vehicle, or you put yourself at a high risk of a distracted driving accident.

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you should contact the Tennessee personal injury lawyers at the Keith Williams Law Group. With convenient offices located in Nashville and Lebanon, our lawyers will work with you to create a litigation strategy that protects your legal rights and serves your personal needs. For more information or a free consultation, please contact us at 615-444-2900 or visit our contact page.