Burn injuries are almost always more dangerous than most people give them credit for, with an estimated 486,000 people needing to receive treatment for burns every year across the United States. The summer is one of the worst times for burn injuries, in part due to certain hazards that become more common at this time of the year. Here are seven causes of burn injuries you should be careful of this summer:

  1. Campfires and bonfires
    • People love to light fires when camping or celebrating the holidays with their friends. However, camp fires, bonfires, and other similar fires should only be lit in places where it is safe to do so, far from anything else that may catch fire, or else the fire may spread and cause an injury.
  2. Hot metal burns
    • Metal can get very hot very quickly, especially when used for cooking or to hold hot food. However, even if just left in the summer sun, metal can heat up to dangerous levels that can cause serious burns if not handled correctly.
  3. Fireworks
    • Everyone loves fireworks during the summer holidays, but they are a perennial cause of severe accidental injuries. Even at a distance, an exploding firework can cause severe burn injuries, and a direct impact from fireworks can result in potentially life threatening harm.
  4. Grills and cooking fires
    • For many people, nothing says summer quite like a cookout, whether with a cooking fire or a barbecue. However, hot grills can easily cause burn injuries when handled incorrectly. Make sure to never pour fuel or lighter fluid directly on a burning flame, and always use proper tools when handling cooking on a grill or flame.
  5. Sunburns
    • People often underestimate just how dangerous sunburns can be. If left untreated, sunburns can be just as dangerous as any other type of burn, and may require medical attention if they become too severe. Thus, always remember to wear sunscreen, which can protect against this type of injury.
  6. Chemical burns
    • You are likely to handle many types of dangerous chemicals throughout the summer that can cause burn injuries if they make contact with exposed skin. That is why you should be careful when handling chemical cleaners, pool chlorinators, paint removers, pesticides, or other potentially dangerous chemicals.
  7. Tanning beds
    • Lots of people like to get a tan for the summer, and will go to a tanning salon to make sure they look ready for the pool. However, be careful about how long you stay on a tanning bed, because they can cause burn injuries if you are exposed to them for too long.

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you should contact the Tennessee personal injury lawyers at the Keith Williams Law Group. With convenient offices located in Nashville and Lebanon, our lawyers will work with you to create a litigation strategy that protects your legal rights and serves your personal needs. For more information or a free consultation, please contact us at 615-444-2900 or visit our contact page.