Seven Reckless Driving Behaviors That Cause Auto Accidents

Reckless driving is one of the biggest factors that are commonly cited in auto accident reports. When people drive recklessly, they not only increase the risk that an accident will occur, they also make it more likely that someone will be seriously injured or killed if there is an accident. Here are seven reckless driving [...]

2023-10-25T13:21:16-07:00October 25th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Seven Ways Reckless Driving Leads to Car Accidents

Every year, there are around 175,000 car accidents in Tennessee, leading to thousands of preventable injuries and deaths. While some of these accidents are unavoidable, many are the result of reckless drivers who endanger themselves and the people around them. Here are seven ways that reckless driving leads to more car accidents: […]

2022-11-09T15:53:03-07:00November 9th, 2022|Car Accidents|0 Comments

What Makes Aggressive Driving So Dangerous?

There are few types of drivers on the road that are more dangerous than aggressive drivers. These drivers engage in especially reckless behavior, dramatically increasing the risk of auto accidents and putting both their lives and the lives of others in peril. But what exactly is aggressive driving, and what about it makes it so [...]

2022-05-17T14:19:34-07:00May 17th, 2022|Car Accidents|0 Comments
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