Every year, there are around 175,000 car accidents in Tennessee, leading to thousands of preventable injuries and deaths. While some of these accidents are unavoidable, many are the result of reckless drivers who endanger themselves and the people around them. Here are seven ways that reckless driving leads to more car accidents:

  1. Speeding
    • By far the most common form of reckless driving is speeding. While everyone knows that you are supposed to stick to the speed limits, many people treat them as rough guidelines at best, and optional at worst. However, when people speed, they make car accidents more likely and more deadly.
  2. Driving while distracted
    • Texting and driving, or doing anything else when you are supposed to be paying attention to the road, is a great way to get into a car accident. Reckless drivers often cannot help themselves and will eat, drink, put on makeup, shave, brush their teeth, brush their hair, check social media, and perform plenty of other tasks when they should be focused on driving, increasing the risk of an accident.
  3. Failing to signal
    • Another common form of reckless driving involves failing to use the signal when turning or changing lanes. While almost everyone can forget to signal from time to time, reckless drivers may eschew their turn signal entirely, switching between lanes or making turns without any warning, increasing the risk of car accidents.
  4. Tailgating
    • Defensive driving instructors will often talk about the “two-second rule,” which is used to estimate the safe distance you need to keep away from a vehicle in front of you to avoid a potential accident. While not everyone adheres strictly to this rule, tailgaters ignore it entirely, sticking as close to the car in front of them as possible, making an accident almost unavoidable if they suddenly brake.
  5. Failing to yield the right of way
    • Pedestrians always have the right of way when crossing the road at a crosswalk or intersection, but reckless drivers do not always respect that. Whether they are in a hurry or just impatient, they may charge through an intersection or crosswalk without checking to see if someone is crossing, increasing the risk of car accidents involving pedestrians.
  6. Drinking and driving (DUI)
    • It is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance. This is because drunk drivers are among the most dangerous drivers on the road, regularly engaging in reckless driving and causing a disproportionately large number of accidents. If you are on the road, watch for the telltale signs of intoxication, such as drifting between lanes, starting or stopping without warning, or other erratic driving behaviors.
  7. Aggressive driving
    • Driving while angry may not be as overtly harmful as driving while drunk, but it still results in a shocking number of car accidents. When people drive while they are angry, stressed, frustrated, or otherwise in a bad mood, they are more likely to engage in reckless driving behaviors that drive up the likelihood of motor vehicle accidents.


If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you should contact the Tennessee personal injury lawyers at the Keith Williams Law Group. With convenient offices located in Nashville and Lebanon, our lawyers will work with you to create a litigation strategy that protects your legal rights and serves your personal needs. For more information or a free consultation, please contact us at 615-444-2900 or visit our contact page.