It is said that flying is the safest way to travel, and statistically speaking, that’s true: airplanes have the lowest rate of injuries and deaths per year, compared to other forms of travel. That does not mean flying is completely free from danger, however, and certain problems can make the chances of an accident much more likely. Here are five major risk factors that can make aviation accidents more likely:

  1. Poor weather conditions
    • One of the biggest problems that faces aircraft pilots of all types is inclement weather. Not only can it hamper visibility, it can interfere with the safe operation of the craft, potentially blowing it off course or causing damage to the craft itself. While most pilots try to avoid flying during inclement weather, they do not always heed the weather forecast, leading to aviation accidents.
  2. Badly maintained aircraft
    • Aircraft can be incredibly difficult and costly to maintain, but it is necessary. The parts on planes and helicopters can wear out quickly, and the longer they go without adequate maintenance, the more likely they are to suffer mechanical problems. Many aviation accidents could be avoided if only their owners or pilots performed the maintenance they should have.
  3. Defective aircraft parts
    • Even when an aircraft is adequately maintained, it might still suffer a serious mechanical failure if one or more parts turn out to be defective. These defects are supposed to be detected during manufacturing, but there is always the risk that a bad part will find its way into an aircraft. When that happens, the risk of aviation accidents dramatically increases.
  4. Air traffic control errors
    • Every aircraft is dependent on the instructions from air traffic control to be able to take off and land without fear of an accidental collision. Unfortunately, air traffic controllers are often overworked and understaffed, which dramatically increases the chances of a mistake. And when air traffic controllers make mistakes, aviation accidents become much more likely.
  5. Pilot error
    • Pilots are key to every aspect of aviation safety, and not just while they are flying the plane. Following appropriate steps to ensure that the plane is safe to fly are critical for ensuring the safety of everyone on the plane. When pilots make mistakes, they dramatically increase the likelihood of aviation accidents.


If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you should contact the Tennessee personal injury lawyers at the Keith Williams Law Group. With convenient offices located in Nashville and Lebanon, our lawyers will work with you to create a litigation strategy that protects your legal rights and serves your personal needs. For more information or a free consultation, please contact us at 615-444-2900 or visit our contact page.