Pedestrian and Bicyclist Fatalities Rise 60% Over 11 Years

According to statistics recently released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Authority (NHTSA), pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities rose by approximately 60% between 2011 and 2022. This rise in fatalities has occurred despite innovations intended to make motor vehicles safer overall, which has been demonstrated in government test data. At least some of the blame has [...]

2023-10-04T12:23:11-07:00October 4th, 2023|Car Accidents, Personal Injury|0 Comments

Five Types of Negligence That Can Cause Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are among the most deadly types of motor vehicle accidents, with more than 5,000 people dying every year across the United States as a result of accidents involving large trucks. Sadly, many of these accidents are preventable, and may not have occurred if not for negligence on the part of truck drivers and [...]

2023-09-26T14:50:26-07:00September 26th, 2023|Car Accidents, Personal Injury|0 Comments

Five Ways That Poor Maintenance Can Lead to an Auto Accident

Everyone knows, at least in theory, that they should keep their vehicle well-maintained to ensure they can drive safely. However, due to issues of cost or time, many people put off performing proper maintenance, increasing the risks of an accident. Here are five ways that poor maintenance can lead to an auto accident: […]

2023-08-16T11:18:07-07:00August 16th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Seven Distracted Driving Issues That Can Lead to Accidents

Distracted driving is responsible for more than 3,000 deaths across the United States every year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, accounting for around 8% of all motor vehicle fatalities. To protect yourself from this danger, it is best to avoid as many distractions as possible while driving. Here are seven distracted driving [...]

2023-07-27T14:11:38-07:00July 27th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Tesla Becomes Most Recalled Car Brand

Tesla, the manufacturer of electric cars and other electronic components, has earned the dubious honor of being the most recalled car brand in the United States. Data analyzed by Autoweek found that four of the five top models of cars that experienced the most recalls over the past ten years were manufactured by Tesla, keeping [...]

2023-07-25T11:49:48-07:00July 25th, 2023|Car Accidents, Defective Products|0 Comments

Seven Warning Signs of Drunk Driving You Should Beware

The summer months are some of the worst times of the year for drunk driving, with 28% of all accidents happening between Memorial Day and Labor Day. That means that you should be especially careful when driving during the summer, and watch for drunk drivers who might be out on the road. Here are seven [...]

2023-06-20T13:25:06-07:00June 20th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Five Ways to Protect Yourself Against Distracted Driving

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, when traffic authorities seek to remind people of the dangers of distracted driving. When people drive while distracted, they are substantially more likely to cause accidents, leading to avoidable injuries and deaths. Make sure to follow these important steps to protect yourself against the risks of distracted driving: [...]

2023-04-25T15:10:47-07:00April 25th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Seven Ways Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Causes Accidents

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, more commonly known as DUI, is one of the most dangerous things people can do on the road. Drunk and intoxicated drivers are estimated to be responsible for as much as a third of all motor vehicle accidents, and are disproportionately likely to be involved in a [...]

2023-04-18T14:41:53-07:00April 18th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Five Ways Texting and Driving Leads to Auto Accidents

Although texting and driving has declined somewhat over the past few years, down about 2.2% from a high of 18.4% in 2020, it remains a major risk to drivers everywhere. When people text and drive, they place themselves and the people around them at an increased risk of getting into an accident. Here are five [...]

2023-02-07T16:02:04-07:00February 7th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Drunk Drivers to Pay Child Support for Children of Parents They Kill

In a new law, drunk drivers in Tennessee will be forced to pay child support for the children of any parents they kill in a drunk driving accident. The law is the first of its kind, but legislatures across the country are considering similar measures. It is meant to help discourage intoxicated drivers from getting [...]

2023-01-12T09:15:40-07:00January 12th, 2023|Car Accidents|0 Comments
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