When you place your child in the care of another person, you expect that they will be treated with an appropriate level of care. Unfortunately, however, some people who are supposed to take care of children will instead engage in negligent supervision, leading to potential child injuries. But what exactly is negligent supervision, and how does it result in children being hurt?

What is Negligent Supervision?

In simple terms, negligent supervision is the term for when someone entrusted with the care of children fails to take adequate care in watching over them. This person might be a daycare worker, a teacher, a coach, a babysitter, a church official, or anyone else who must take care of children as part of their job. People who work in these professions are supposed to know that children are at higher risk of engaging in dangerous behavior than adults, and should take appropriate steps to limit their risk of harm.

What Does Negligent Supervision Look Like?

Whether due to being overwhelmed by their responsibilities, a lack of necessary resources, or a simple lack of concern for the child’s well-being, negligent supervision allows children to be exposed to dangerous circumstances. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Leaving children alone without supervision
  • Keeping dangerous items (firearms, knives, toxic chemicals) in reach of children
  • Failing to keep children away from dangerous areas (such as swimming pools, busy roads, or construction sites)
  • Allowing children to use items they are not old enough to handle (such as letting a child drive a car)
  • Failing to intervene when a child is being bullied or harmed by other children
  • Failing to prevent a child from being injured by an animal
  • Failing to provide care or seek medical attention for a sick or injured children


How Does Negligent Supervision Hurt Children?

When children are exposed to negligent supervision, they are placed at an increased risk of harm that might otherwise be avoided. For example, a child who is allowed access to dangerous items might be sickened by consuming something they shouldn’t, or they may cut or shoot themselves if allowed access to knives or guns. They can also easily suffer from bruises, broken bones, or concussions if allowed to engage in dangerous play, or if bullies are allowed to harm them without fear of punishment.

What Should You Do?

If you have a child who was injured due to the negligent supervision of an adult, your first priority should be to ensure they receive the care they need. After that, you should make sure to speak to a lawyer with experience handling child injury cases. They can help you go over your legal options, and ensure you get the justice your child deserves.

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you should contact the Tennessee personal injury lawyers at the Keith Williams Law Group. With convenient offices located in Nashville and Lebanon, our lawyers will work with you to create a litigation strategy that protects your legal rights and serves your personal needs. For more information or a free consultation, please contact us at 615-444-2900 or visit our contact page.