Five Important Things to Know About Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is a shockingly common phenomenon, with around half of all motor vehicle accidents involving aggressive driving behaviors. Being aware of these behaviors and learning how to respond to them is one of the best ways to protect yourself from the risk of an accident. Here are five important things you need to know [...]

2024-08-13T14:48:17-07:00August 13th, 2024|Car Accidents|0 Comments

Why is Road Rage Becoming More Common?

There has been a notable increase in the number of “road rage” incidents happening over the past few years, with aggressive driving overall becoming more frequent. This has resulted in more people getting injured or killed in motor vehicle accidents that might have been avoided if not for an overly aggressive driver. But why exactly [...]

2024-02-14T12:24:06-07:00February 14th, 2024|Car Accidents|0 Comments
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