What is Pilot Error, and How Can it Cause Plane Crashes?

When it comes to airplane accidents, there is no single cause of problems more common than pilot error. Whenever a preventable accident occurs, there is a decent chance that the pilot made a mistake that either caused the accident, or contributed to it happening. But what exactly does it mean for someone to commit a [...]

2024-05-20T11:17:29-07:00May 20th, 2024|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments

Five Ways Inexperienced Pilots Cause Plane Crashes

As a general rule, inexperienced pilots are more likely to get into an airplane accident than experienced ones. While these accidents are notoriously rare, experienced pilots tend to possess the skills and knowledge to avoid accidents that newer pilots lack. Here are five ways that inexperienced pilots can potentially cause plane crashes: […]

2024-02-21T15:00:11-07:00February 21st, 2024|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments
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