Five Ways Dog Bites Can Be Caused By Negligent Owners

Pet owners have a legal responsibility to ensure their animals, including dogs, do not injure others. In Tennessee, dog owners have a specific legal obligation to keep their dogs under reasonable control and to keep them from running at large in public places or on others’ property.  If they don’t, they can be held liable [...]

2024-08-15T13:42:16-07:00August 15th, 2024|Personal Injury|0 Comments

Five Things You Need to Know About Dog Bites

Dog and animal owners have an intrinsic responsibility to ensure their pets are carefully controlled so they do not harm anyone. Unfortunately, these sorts of attacks are more common than most people realize, and they can result in serious harm to anyone who suffers them. Here are five things you need to know about dog [...]

2023-09-06T12:04:03-07:00September 6th, 2023|Child Injury, Personal Injury|0 Comments
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