Have You Experienced Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice, or medical negligence as it is also called, is a situation in which a health care provider (doctor, nurse, surgeon, specialist, clinic, hospital or any other medical service provider) fails to provide an appropriate “standard of care.” The term negligence is easier to understand as it suggests correctly that a health care provider [...]

2020-09-06T22:48:40-07:00May 24th, 2020|Medical Malpractice|0 Comments

Factors that Make Medical Malpractice Case

According to a recent report published by Johns Hopkins University deaths by medical mistakes outnumber the third official leading cause of death in the US i.e. respiratory disease. Having said that every year 250,000 people die in due to medical malpractice. Medical malpractice happens when a medical professional deviates from the approved standards of care [...]

2020-09-06T22:48:47-07:00January 15th, 2019|Medical Malpractice|1 Comment

How a Medical Device Fault is Dealt With

Every month it seems that a new medical device or product is recalled because it has caused injury or even death in someone that it has been fitted in. This can be heartbreaking for a patient who has been fitted with a suspected defective device, even more so if the first symptoms of pain and [...]

2020-09-06T22:48:48-07:00November 13th, 2018|Medical Malpractice|0 Comments

Heart Surgery Infection Risk From Contaminated Surgical Equipment

Patients who have undergone open heart surgery may be at risk of a potentially fatal bacterial infection which appears to be associated with a specific type of device known as a heater-cooler device. Complicating the risk is that symptoms of infection may only begin weeks or even months after surgery has been completed, diagnosis is [...]

2020-09-06T22:48:50-07:00January 24th, 2018|Medical Malpractice|0 Comments

Why Are Medical Devices or Drugs Recalled?

Modern medical technology means that during some part of our lifetime we will all at some time or another become dependent on a medical drug or drugs and a number of medical devices. Generally, the older we are the more dependent on drugs and devices we are likely to become. Medical drugs or devices are [...]

2020-09-06T22:48:52-07:00August 18th, 2017|Medical Malpractice|0 Comments
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