Well-Known Dickson TN Family Injured In Alabama Plane Crash

The Smith family are a well-known and respected family in Dickson Tennessee where Danny and Sharon own two businesses, the Dickson Athletic Club and O'Rouke's Irish Pub.  So family, friends, patrons and neighbors are understandable shocked and worried about the news that the family and a friend were severely injured in a plane crash in Alabama on their [...]

2020-09-06T22:49:03-07:00August 1st, 2014|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments

Children Screaming “The Plane Went Down!” First Indication of Crash to Locals

People in the small town of Bedford in Massachusetts are used to hearing and seeing small planes and private jets take off from Hanscom Field.  As they sat around their firepits, finished yardwork, or were preparing supper, they were alarmed by the shaking of houses and people in the neighborhood, particulary children who never seemed to [...]

2020-09-06T22:49:04-07:00June 1st, 2014|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments

Add Texting While Flying Helicopters To Things You Just Don’t Do

The pervasiveness of personal media devices in our society, from smart phones to tablets, isn't arguable. They're here and people use them often throughout their day, sometimes compulsively.  We hear alot about the dangers of texting while driving. Studies show that people who are texting while driving are less able to navigate through a safety [...]

2020-09-06T22:49:04-07:00May 19th, 2014|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments

FAA Watching Airlines Closely After Botched Landings ie “Controlled Crashes”

The FAA has heightened its scrutiny of airline companies after several years in a row of botched landings, hard landings, accidents on the tarmac and even several incidents of landing at the wrong airport.  There are several factors that could be at play here including: pilot inexperience; pilot's lack of rest or sleep; over-reliance on [...]

2020-09-06T22:49:05-07:00March 25th, 2014|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments

Tennessee Aviation Attorney Keith Williams Interviews Industry Insider on Flight 214 Crash

We know quite a bit from the NTSB already in this crash, which is a little unusual.  In my legal experience of over 20 years, which includes handling airplane disasters, the NTSB tends to be pretty tight lipped about their findings until their investigation is complete. And those investigations always take many months and sometimes they take years.  [...]

2020-09-06T22:49:05-07:00February 1st, 2014|Aviation Accidents|0 Comments
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