Keeping planes and other aircraft well-maintained is critical to ensuring they remain safe to fly, reducing the risks of an accident. Unfortunately, some plane owners will fail to keep their plane in good repair, resulting in otherwise avoidable aviation accidents. But how exactly can poor maintenance lead to aviation accidents?

What Does it Mean to Keep an Aircraft Well-Maintained?

Generally speaking, keeping a plane well-maintained means ensuring that every major component is in adequate condition to fly. This means, for example, ensuring that any worn out parts are replaced, that any fluids are periodically changed out, and that it always has enough fuel to not only complete the trip, but also potentially divert from their course if necessary. It also means keeping up with recall notices to replace any parts that are recalled by their manufacturer.

At a bare minimum, it means conducting the inspections required by the FAA and performing necessary maintenance and repairs accordingly.  For example, under 14 C.F.R. § 91.409, most aircraft are required to have a complete annual inspection performed, with aircraft that carry paid passengers or are used for paid flying lessons requiring inspection every 100 hours of service.  If an aircraft falls out of compliance with the annual/100 hour inspections, a special permit called a “ferry permit” must be obtained to allow the out-of-compliance aircraft to be flown to a location that can perform the inspection and maintenance/repairs needed.

How Can a Plane Fall into Disrepair?

It is incredibly easy for a plane to start to suffer from poor maintenance, since all an owner needs to do is put off regular repairs. Sometimes, this is done due to time constraints, with plane owners trying to keep up with their own demanding schedule. More often, however, it is simply a matter of money, with plane owners not wanting to spend the cash to keep their aircraft in good repair.

What Are the Dangers of Poor Maintenance?

When airplane owners fail to perform adequate maintenance, it can increase the risks of a major mechanical failure, which can cause an accident on its own. Even without that kind of catastrophic malfunction, poorly maintained aircraft will struggle to deal with adverse conditions, such as unexpected bad weather. It can also exacerbate other problems, such as issues caused by an inexperienced pilot, making the chances of an accident much more likely.

What Should You Do if You Get into an Aviation Accident?

If you or someone you love has been injured due to an aviation accident, you should speak to a lawyer with experience handling cases like yours. They can guide you through your potential legal options and help you get the justice you deserve. The sooner you call, the sooner they can get to work for you.

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you should contact the Tennessee personal injury lawyers at the Keith Williams Law Group. With convenient offices located in Nashville and Lebanon, our lawyers will work with you to create a litigation strategy that protects your legal rights and serves your personal needs. For more information or a free consultation, please contact us at 615-444-2900 or visit our contact page.